A BREAKDOWN OF THE BOTOX INJECTION PROCESS When it comes to correcting aesthetic facial issues like crow’s feet, brow furrows, and forehead creases, few products offer the same results that Botox can provide. Botox is highly effective and provides natural-looking results. The injection process is quick and relatively pain-free. It will only take around 15 to 30 minutes to complete your Botox injections. This time will vary depending on the amount of units needed and the amount of problem areas being treated. The injections themselves produce little to no pain. It only takes around five to seven days to see your results, and your results should last for at least three months.
Avoiding Plastic Surgery Fake News on Social Media he President may have been onto something when he made popular the phrase, “fake news.” Clearly the moniker in his realm refers to political news, but the idea behind fake news stretches beyond that world into others. One of major importance to consumers is how the validity of marketing information is positioned on social media. With slick media tools and marketing, offers and services can be made available to consumers scrolling their social feeds without the frivolities of technical information – the kind of information that is absolutely critical to some products, plastic surgery procedures being one example. Younger generations are primed to enter this market, especially with the growth of non-surgical procedures that offer more maintenance plans to age gracefully rather than major alterations. What isn’t apparent to these potential consumers is the check list of items that any would-be patient needs...